Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Meet the Characters


Name: Boo
Age: ??
Species: Ghost
Pronouns: Accepts any pronouns, but leans more towards he/him or they/them
Gender: Pangender
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Professional Instagram merch mascot
Likes/Favourites: Chocolate of all kinds, fried foods, cosplaying, sleeping in, making friends, life in general, being adventurous and being a bit of an adrenaline junkie
Dislikes/Fears: Bitter foods, being called out for his size, prejudice people, boredom/monotony


Name: Coo
Age: ??
Species: Stickman
Pronouns: Accepts any pronouns, but leans more towards he/him or they/them
Gender: Pangender
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Professional Instagram merch mascot
Likes/Favourites: Spicy food, cosplaying, dressing up in general, traveling, trying new things, enjoying the finer things in life, which might make him look somewhat a bit of a snob/posh
Dislikes/Fears: Strong-smelling foods that smells bad (to him), prejudice people, the dark (a little), pressured into speaking (he's like Silent Bob; he can speak but doesn't really want to), anything that might look a bit too dangerous

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